
Presenter(s): Milica Drobac Pavićević

All definitions of giftedness agree that high achievement is an indispensable part of it. However, there are differences when it comes to defining the elements that lead to above-average achievement. According to Joseph Renzulli, three elements constitute giftedness and contribute to exceptional achievement. These are high intellectual abilities, dedication to the task and creativity. High intelligence by itself is not enough to explain giftedness, there are also the other two elements, creativity being particularly important. There are different types of creativity in relation to the importance for ourselves and for society, that is, a certain field or area. Kaufman and Beghetto offer The Four C model, with four types of creativity that differ from each other precisely according to the above-mentioned criterion - whether the changes are significant for us or for humanity. If they are significant only for us, then we are talking about little and mini creativity. If they are significant for a certain scientific or artistic field, and are related to professionals, then it is a matter of great and pro creativity. There is a connection between them and we cannot reach pro and big creativity without nurturing little and mini creativity.