Format and Submission Guide

For purpose of publishing in conference Book of Paper we'll collect full papers 2000 to 3000 words in length, including abstract, figures, references and appendices.

Submission Guide

All authors must submit their abstract by using our Paper Submission System.

Submission of paper starts with submission of your abstract.

To submit your abstract your should be logged in our web site. If not Login form will be automatically shown to you. 

If you are not already registered as author in our system then you have to register by using "SIGN UP" link on bottom of login form and follow instructions otherwise login with your username and password. If you forgot your password you could also use "FORGOT PASSWORD?" link on bottom of login form and follow instructions.

After successful login you have to complete the following fields to successfully submit your abstract:

You also have to agree with "Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement" to proceed with abstract submission.

Please double check the information you provided. Clicking "Submit" will forward your information to us. You will receive an email containing the information above. 

After reviewing of your abstract you will be notified by email with instructions how to submit your full paper.

All presenters from each accepted contribution must register to the Conference in order to be included in the final program.

Format Guide

These following informations serve as a model of how your final paper should look. Please read and follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your paper looks sharp in print.

Before submitting your paper please ensure that it has been carefully read for typographical and grammatical errors. If English is not your first language, please have your paper proof-read by an English speaking person. 

Article must be prepared in MS Word. Papers must not be sent in PDF format and should not be zipped.

Paper should use the full paper guidelines below:

Final Inspection before uploading it to the website: