Dr. Kate Bachtel founded the nonprofit SoulSpark Learning to share research-informed practices on what gifted youth need to thrive and innovate in education. She earned a doctorate in education with an emphasis in gifted from University of Denver and a masters in education (educational equity and cultural diversity) from University of Colorado at Boulder. Kate continues to teach gifted and twice-exceptional children in Boulder, Colorado simultaneous to coaching and collaborating with educators, families and schools across the United States and abroad. Prior, she co-led the opening of a kindergarten through eighth grade school for gifted youth and served on the board of directors for Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG), including a term as president.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2022
So gifted learners flourish: Realizing the visionPaperIn many countries, educational policy and teacher preparation programs fall short in supporting gifted development. As a result, neurodivergent gifted youth are often at risk of neglect and oppression in school. This session explores what aspects of development need to be supported in practice for gifted youth to flourish. Informed … More