Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Keynote and Symposia

Parallel sessions II.

Keynote and Symposia

Thu 19.11.2020 16:15-18:00
Lecture hall: Room A
Chair: Taisir Subhi Yamin
  • Social Emotional Needs of the Gifted, Talented, and 2E: Why Efficient Training about Social-Emotional Aspect of Giftedness brings Efficient Teaching and Better Talent Development
    This keynote sheds light on the importance of Social and Emotional Needs and Challenges that go with Specific Personality Development of the Gifted, Talented, and 2E (G,T&2E). In addition, it provides an overview of all the important potential challenges that have to be taken into account by educators and caregivers of this population.

    It will be a quick overview of 8 modules that are part of GiftedLab’s workshop unit called “Zoom on Inner World of the Gifted, Talented and 2E”. It is an attempt to answer a number of questions, including:

    (1)What are characteristics of the G,T&2E population and what communication techniques should we use with them?
    (2) How to help G,T&2E avoid the excess of Intensity, Perfectionism & Stress?
    (3) How to deal with Motivation, Discipline, Self-Management, and Underachievement Issues of G,T&2E population?
    (4) In what way Relationships of the Gifted Children and Adults can be deeply affected and influence their social lives and identities?
    (5) How do Learning Disability or Any Other Disability influence Giftedness?
    (6) How do deal with multipotentiality of the G,T&2E?
    (7) How does Gender influence Giftedness? And
    (8) What are the Physical, Social, Emotional and Environmental Differencies that Create Challenges in case of Highly and Profoundly Gifted Population?
  • Parenting the Gifted and talented Children
    In our society, many parents educate their children by rewarding positive behavior and punishing negative behavior. The parent determines and the children are expected to conform. But: "conforming" clashes with the creative, inquisitive nature that is so typical of gifted children.

    Instead of punishment or reward, it is much more beneficial to focus, as the parent of a gifted child, on 'learning'. Involve your child in finding solutions, help the child develop self-discipline, responsibility, and problem-solving skills. For gifted children with their very intense feelings, their strong sense of justice, their well-developed capacity for reflection and their critical, independent attitude, it is a "must"!

    Parents with an emotional coaching style are aware of the emotions of their children, listen with compassion, and help their child identify their emotions. They set boundaries and look for solution strategies for the problem. In this way the children learn to trust their feelings, to regulate their own emotions and to solve problems. Gifted children who manage their emotions more often grow up to be resilient adults. They have a lot of self-esteem, can learn well and get along well with others.
    The aim of this parents’ symposium is to hear about experiences from other parents and from professionals who work every day with gifted children and their families how to help your children build the most important characteristic is inner resilience to be themselves and develop their unique potential at the same time.