The impact of mental coaching on study behavior

Presenter(s): Kathleen Venderickx
Author(s): Kathleen Venderickx

<p style="text-align: justify;">It is generally known that gifted children may experience difficulties at school. They often don’t have an adequate study methodology, don’t know how to do this or consider studying as boring or get demotivated at school. However, during our longstanding expertise with more than 7000 gifted individuals, we can conclude that more elements and factors play. Limited psychosocial skills with such children can nurture learning difficulties at school.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">Examples of such difficulties are a.o. not being able to accept failure, not being able to exit their comfort zone, absence of the idea that studying is a time consuming activity or having a high degree of stress. Therefore it is important for a children’s environment and more in particular parents and schools to react adequately. Such reaction will be a key factor for the long term well being of such children.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">We regularly see youngsters ending up in battle mechanisms, escaping or freezing, all behaviours which do not lead to a positive solution and resulting in more negativism.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">In order to turn these youngsters back again into a positive mood, allowing them to search for solutions, to participate actively to a recovery process and work on their future, we offer trainings to explain the problem of giftedness, mental coaching focussed on specific aspects of giftedness and dedicated courses for parents. This approach allows us to counter the downward spiral in which these youngsters can end up.</p>