Enrichment Activities for High Ability / Gifted Students

Presenter(s): Angelica Piovesan
Author(s): Bruna de Jesus Oliveira, Tâmara Regina Salles, Angelica de Fatima Piovesan

<p style="text-align: justify;">This work explores a continuous extension program that occurs at Tiradentes University, in Aracaju, SE, Bra, that began in 2016 as a research project for a doctoral thesis in giftedness. Gifted children are defined by the Ministry of Education of Brazil (2008) as those with above the average creativity and involvement with the task, and a superior potential in some of these areas - isolated or combined: intellectual, academic, leadership, psychomotricity and art. The project consists in receiving children with indicatives or diagnosed with high skills/gifted and aims to provide them activities that enhance their abilities. As theoretical reference, we use Renzulli’s Triadic Enrichment Model (Renzulli,, &amp; Reis , 1986), composed of type I, II and III activities, alongside with Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983). The meetings occur weekly in the University's laboratories. Currently, 12 students from public and private schools, with age-range from 4 to 13 years, are part of the program. Initially, observations were made for the identification of preferences and abilities in order to plan directed type I activities. At the moment, type II activities are executed with art and drawing and robotics workshops, in which children participate according to their preferences and abilities. Five children participate in the robotics workshop and ten in art and drawing. It is also intended to implement more workshops to promote a greater potentialization of the participants' abilities.</p>