The Intelligent Young People

Presenter(s): Ole Kyed
Author(s): Ole Kyed

<p style="text-align: justify;">Interview research of 25 young gifted.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">A follow up to my book – The Intelligent Children 2015 – where parents gave their voice to what it means to have a gifted child. <br>
In the forthcoming book – 2017 – 25 young gifted students between 18 and 25 years are giving their voice to what it has meant for them growing up in an environment not always understanding their perspective in life.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">The young gifted are certainly not alike, having different personalities, temperaments, interests, parents and social background – yet they struggle with similar themes concerning well being and how to develop their potential.</p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">In my presentation I will reflect on some of the important life issues they try to cope with such as feeling different, being sensitive, feeling of loneliness, how to get friends and being part of a social network. </p>

<p style="text-align: justify;">The young people’s stories reflect their vulnerability and their awareness on how to find their own identity, being accepted as gifted and accepting themselves subsequently.</p>