Timetable > 20.11.2020 > Naravoslovje in matematika

Parallel sessions III.

Naravoslovje in matematika

Fri 20.11.2020 12:00-14:30
Lecture hall: Room F
Chair: Irena Trope
  • Delo z nadarjenimi učenci na naravoslovnem področju
    Presenter(s): Renata Pelc
    Working with talented students is improving each year. I dedicate my time weekly to students who are talented in maths and physics. We experiment in physics and solve maths problems.
    During this time students of similar interests bond with each other, many introvert pupils speak up. They find a co- speaker and discover many new things.
    Pupils with discovered talents have many hidden talents, which can be noticed, when they find themselves in the right place and in the right time. Maths and physics are fields for working with talented student. In the class we usually focus on the weak students, therefore talented students cannot develop their talents. It is amazing, when they discover, work out the equation, discover the mistakes and are pleased with the results. This gives the strength on the social area of life and gives them self- esteem. Satisfaction with the work is immense. I had some students who were talented but they hid their talents and hardly ever spoke up and had problems in the social area but they gained a lot in small groups. They started to show their knowledge in the class too. They applied their knowledge of maths to everyday life. They talked about maths problems together with their classmates and with the support they got the results.
    I organize workshops in nature, where students connect physics and maths problems to nature and everyday life. Usually all the students are together. Talented students spread their knowledge to other students and they learn other skills from them. This is the best part of making contacts and socializing with others. On these workshops many students carry out a short lecture and a presentation for other students, they also carry out some workshops. Here we can see how students’ learning from each other is effective. Each student has his / her own talents. On these workshops, students spread the knowledge of maths and physics on others. Other students with social skills spread this to others. We both grow on these meetings, students and teachers.
    Key words: talent, maths, physics, maths problems, nature, experiment
  • Sine curve drawing machine
    Presenter(s): Uroš Cotman
    During my first years of teaching, I have created very rickety sine curve drawing machine in my father's workshop. Despite its look, it was clearly visible that I have put a lot of time in the project. When I presented my work in the class, I secured myself with telling students: »Don't laugh! If anyone knows how to create better machine, then do it. «
    I was very amazed by the students from class 3.a, who had brought the perfect remote control machine the next day. Gloria discipuli, gloria magistri.
    Some students shine, when they successfully solve a difficult task. Others, when they are expected to invest hours and hours of work in a complex project. In my case it was neither of this two. Some people only start working when they see a certain task as a challenge. And the challenge usually is to beat a mentor.
    That is why, at this point, I would like to ask all the mentors of the world, to sometimes let themselves be beaten by their aspiring students. If you show yourselves as vulnerable from time to time, no one is going to respect you any less because of that. Quite the opposite. You will create around you an ideal space for young talents to flourish and evolve.
  • Professional field trips - important didactic form and method of work in the economist program
    Presenter(s): Irena Trope
    Field trips are an important part of the educational process, as they are used to achieve content and process knowledge and educational goals. They represent one of the common ways of functional connection and coordination of learning contents and learning modules and objects that are similar and complementary. Doing so, we approach the field from different angles and combine knowledge.
    Field trips connect students directly with the learning content outside scool classrooms. They enable more active and experientially effective teaching and implement the concept of live, experiential, innovative learning, which makes it much more likely that the entire student's personality will be engaged and that different student abilities will be optimally activated. It can be argued that learning on field trips is more effective than working in the classroom.
    In this article, I will present the stages of excursions and give the characteristics of micro and macro organizational preparation for the excursion.
    I will describe in detail the content of two two-day professional excursions, an excursion to the Savinjska region and an excursion to Štajerska. From a professional point of view, the common thread of both economically colored field trips was to get to know the business processes in companies of different economic activities.
    I will also highlight the reasons why we can say that excursions are an excellent way of learning.
  • How to develop a talent in natural sciences?
    Presenter(s): Helena Smrke
    We have been encouraging pupils to develop critical thinking and solving complex problems. Five years ago, we came across an international programme of research and studying that was designed for pupils aged from 9 to 16 and is called First Lego League. When we joined the program, we have established that the basis of this programme are research and robotics. It is peculiar for encouraging values like respect, responsibility, group work, self-initiative, sharing knowledge and experience.
    It is important that the participation in this programme motivates the young pupils for technology, natural sciences, robotics, maths, the use of information technology in useful purposes. The participation in these activities enable the pupil to upgrade school subjects and make themes meaningful and useful. It is often established that the Slovene teaching process lacks the connection between the theory and practice. Pupils develop skills which they will need when they enter the work market. The most wanted profession in Žužemberk are: a construction engineer, a programmer, an electrical engineer. These professions demand a lot of technical knowledge, research opportunities, team and creative work. Pupils acquire all these skills at the First Lego League which has been carried out for four years at the Primary school Žužemberk.
  • Delo z nadarjenimi učenci pri matematiki
    Presenter(s): Magdalena Tanko
    Kot učiteljica, ki že več kot tri desetletja dela z učenci v razredu, opažam, da število učencev, ki so opredeljeni kot nadarjeni, vztrajno narašča. Hkrati opažam tudi, da se delo z njimi največkrat dodeli učiteljem matematike, slovenščine in tujega jezika. Več ali manj se delo omeji na pripravo na različna tekmovanja in udeležbo na le-teh. Učencem, ki kažejo nadarjenost za matematiko, prilagodim oblike in metode dela, vključim jih k dodatnemu pouku. Pri pripravi na tekmovanja je moja naloga med drugim priprava ustreznih, zanimivih, dovolj zahtevnih nalog. Predvideti moram različne strategije reševanja posamezne naloge, različne "intervencije" tudi v obliki dodatnih, nekoliko lažjih nalog, če je osnovna naloga prezahtevna (najprej konkretni podatki, šele nato splošno). Naloge morajo biti za posameznega učenca ravno prav zahtevne, tako da jih z veliko truda zmore rešiti. To, da je zmogel rešiti težko nalogo, je za učenca nepopisna sreča in najboljša motivacija, da se bo spoprijel s še zahtevnejšimi primeri. Da pa delo z nadarjenimi učenci ne zajema samo reševanje matematičnih nalog in problemov, sem se odločila, da jim ponudim tudi drugačno delo. Z nadarjenimi učenci ustvarjamo z origamijem, se družimo ob miselni družabni igri – tangram, rešujemo matematične trike in čarovnije, raziskujemo Geogebro, se igramo družabne igre Quarto, Pylos, Quixo in Quantumino. Ob začetku šolskega leta povabim na sestanek učence, ki so opredeljeni kot nadarjeni, in tudi tiste, za katere menim, da jih bo takšno delo zanimalo. Za sodelovanje se ne odločijo vsi povabljeni. Učenci, ki sodelujejo, so večinoma zelo motivirani, imajo visoke sposobnosti, odlične ideje, veliko teoretičnega znanja, domišljijo, ki skoraj nima meja. Nekateri nadarjeni učenci so šibki na socialnem področju, zato krepimo medsebojne odnose z delom v tandemih in skupinah. V prispevku bom opisala nekaj matematičnih trikov in čarovnij, dejavnosti z Geogebro, miselne igre in ustvarjanje z origamijem. Želim, da so pozitivno naravnani do matematike, da je njihovo okolje spodbudno, da lahko razvijajo svojo ustvarjalnost in sposobnost.