Timetable > 20.11.2020 > Izzivi učiteljev

Parallel sessions III.

Izzivi učiteljev

Fri 20.11.2020 12:00-14:20
Lecture hall: Room E
Chair: Živa Pevec
  • Diversity of learning styles as a teacher's challenge
    Presenter(s): Manca Pezelj Berger
    In their career, teachers get to know co-workers, many children and their parents. In the process of learning, there are so many people (the most important is the triangle students-teacher-parents) who are different and play an important role in the life of an elementary school student. The differences between them need to be considered and well understood. Conversations about learning and learning styles help to shed light on school problems, understand different views on them better and enrich oneself professionally. Fourth graders already recognize their learning style, which must be considered and encouraged by the teacher. The teacher needs to formulate a concept of styles to adapt teaching to students. Popular learning styles make learning more enjoyable, contribute to more knowledge and better grades, and enrich pedagogical practice. When learning styles match, everyone gains in the process of education, which is best shown at the end of the year in learning success and in the knowledge quality of an individual. When we draw the line under each completed year and add up the good and bad things in the learning process, something is clear: each school year we come up with new experiences together with students and find out how generations of children can be different and how each generation of children, with a respectful attitude towards them and considering their abilities, can constructively shape the process of education. It is a mutual influence that a good and constantly teachable educator must not overlook.
  • S sodelovanjem do novih veščin
    Presenter(s): Mojca Mlakar
    Sodelovanje med učenci krepi socialne veščine, skupinsko delo, ustvarjalnost ter prijateljske vezi. Učenci z uporabo didaktičnih sredstev hitreje, uspešnejše in lažje dosegajo višje taksonomske stopnje znanja. Timsko delo daje možnost spoznavanja in seznanjanja z vsemi stopnjami raziskovalnega dela: preučevanja, uporabe, analize, sinteze in evalvacije dela in hkrati usvojenega znanja. Vsak član tima pripomore k reševanju problema, naloge oziroma raziskovalnega vprašanja. Poleg tega vsak posameznik, član tima, začuti pomen medsebojnega sodelovanja, preučevanja ter iskanja poti do rešitev, rezultata raziskovalnega dela. Učitelj je v vlogi usmerjevalca, nadzornika, pomočnika, svetovalca ter osebe, ki v učencih vzbuja radovednost, kreativnost, hotenje, željo in motivacijo za raziskovanje, preučevanje, vrednotenje ter razlago pridobljenih podatkov, rezultatov. Z mikroskopiranjem kot metodo aktivnega učenja, smo iskali odgovor na vprašanje, kaj se zgodi s sliko predmeta, ki ga opazujemo pod mikroskopom. Skozi metodo viharjenja možganov ter metodo reševanja problemov, smo prišli do različni uporabnih idej. Z interdisciplinarnim načinom, smo učne vsebine ter pojme zajeli širše. Učenci so spoznali dele mikroskopa, kako pravilno ravnamo z mikroskopom, način mikroskopiranja, pripravo svežih in trajnih preparatov za opazovanje slike pod mikroskopom ter način izračuna povečave. Samostojno, z učiteljem samo v vlogi usmerjevalca, so se urili v izdelavi ter pripravi svežih mikroskopskih preparatov ter risanju mikroskopskih skic.
  • Working with physically gifted students in extracurricular dance activities
    Presenter(s): Živa Pevec
    Since I had the option of two hours of extracurricular activities per week, I decided to dedicate one hour per week only to physically gifted students. Thus, I gained a homogeneous group of students with the same goal. Most of our physically gifted students also attend music school. Because sports and music are very connected, we can both connect with dance. Physically gifted students mostly have a well-developed sense of rhythm, are well physically prepared and physically developed, find themselves well and orient themselves in space. They quickly memorize new movement tasks and patterns, and are able to meaningfully combine them into more complex movement tasks in difficult circumstances. They are competitive, but they understand and respect the rules of the game. They have a high self-esteem and feel good in their body. Thus, I came to the conclusion that I use dance to upgrade and develop the traits of movement-gifted students presented above. Dance combines complex movement tasks that require good coordination of the whole body, associated with the rhythm of a particular music. To raise the level of learning a bit, I added various accessories to the dance, such as basketball balls, cradles, clubs, ribbons, soft balls, tennis balls,… This increases the complexity of learning. In addition to coordinating body movements and music, proper handling of the device is also required. I adjusted the difficulty of the technical elements with the accessories according to the consolidated knowledge, the rhythmic complexity of the music, their abilities and capabilities, and thus also increased the motivation to learn. Very interesting choreographies with works of gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics and elements of ball games were created (basketball, volleyball, football, (). The choreographies were given the image of an entire story on a particular theme. In this way, the creativity, ingenuity and imagination of each individual and the coordination of all ideas are expressed. The prize or goal in this case is a thematic, movement-dance story, to which each individual contributed their part and certainly also a performance in front of other students of the school.
  • Gibalne dejavnosti za razvoj vzdržljivosti
    Presenter(s): Jasna Cvitanič
    Vzdržljivost je zelo pomembna veščina oziroma zmožnost posameznika v današnjem svetu. Izkazuje se lahko v odnosih, pri opravljanju nalog, branju, igranju s prijatelji ali kot vzdržljivost v smislu fizične pripravljenosti in gibalne dejavnosti. Vzdržljivost posameznika, v tem primeru učenca, vpliva na kakovost njegovega življenja, saj ob dobri vzdržljivosti lažje dosega zastavljene cilje in premaguje vsakodnevne ovire (Škof, 2016). Prav tako je njegovo zdravje odvisno od njegove splošne zdržljivosti (Raitmajer, 1990).
    Gibalna aktivnost in krepitev vzdržljivosti sta v (pred)šolskem obdobju zelo pomembni za otrokov razvoj na vseh področjih. Vključevanje gibanja v pouk je eden temeljnih pristopov sodobnega poučevanja na razredni stopnji. Ker vsakodnevni stik učitelja z učenci razkriva, da upada splošna telesna vzdržljivost in fizična pripravljenost učencev, so učitelji pred izzivom, kako organizirati vzgojno-izobraževalno delo, da se zaustavi upad oziroma se pospeši razvoj zdržljivosti pri učencih. Pri tem lahko učitelj uporabi različne pristope oziroma različne igralne oblike vzdržljivostne vadbe, kot so štafetne igre, poligoni, igre lovljenja, tekalne igre, skoki, poskoki …
    OŠ Markovci si je reševanje tega izziva, kako povečati vsesplošno vzdržljivost učencev, zadala z vključitvijo v poskus uvajanja posodobljene oblike razširjenega programa (RaP) in poteka v sodelovanju z Zavodom RS za šolstvo. V okviru poskusa šola sodeluje na področju Gibanje in zdravje za dobro psihično in fizično počutje. Tako se učencem omogočijo dodatne ure gibanja za razvoj vzdržljivosti, kot so pohodi, tekalne igre, plesne dejavnosti ipd.
  • Tihi kotiček - prostor ustvarjalnega učenja v razredu
    Presenter(s): Magda Flajs
    Učenci se med seboj zelo razlikujejo. Imajo različne potrebe, želje, interese, različno predznanje, podporno okolje, sposobnosti. Učitelji skušamo najti načine, kako vsem učencem ponuditi čim bolj individualizirano okolje za učenje, v katerem bi vsi učenci lahko delovali čim bolj optimalno. V članku želim prikazati možnosti poučevanja s pomočjo tihega kotička v razredu. Predstavljam priporočila glede opreme in primere rabe tihega kotička v 1. triadi osnovne šole, pridobljene na osnovi izkušenj. Zaželeno je, da je opremo možno sproti prilagajati ter da je čim bolj preprosta in cenovno dostopna. Učitelj jo med poukom hitro prilagodi za potrebe posameznega učenca. Tihi kotiček nudi možnosti za individualizirano delo vsem učencem, tako nadarjenim, hitrim, učencem z učnimi težavami, s čustvenimi ali vedenjskimi motnjami, za učence različnih učnih tipov in vse ostale. S pomočjo primerne opreme in pripomočkov lahko postane varen kotiček za umirjanje, dodatno delo, igro ali sprostitev. Učenec se vanj lahko odpravi sam ali pa ga tja usmeri učitelj, če je v razredu dobro sprejet, pa lahko celo sošolci. Za učenca ne predstavlja kazni ampak možnost za drugačno učenje ali ustrezno vedenje. Prav tako mora imeti možnost, da se kadarkoli vrne na svoj prostor in delo nadaljuje na svojem mestu oziroma v svoji skupini.
  • Individualizacija, personalizacija in notranja diferenciacija za nadarjene učence pri pouku slovenščine od 7. do 9. razreda/Individualization, personalization and internal differentiation for gifted students in Slovene lessons from 7th to 9th grade
    Presenter(s): Maja Marinč
    Osnovno vodilo pri načrtovanju poučevanja in učenja nadarjenih učencev so njihove učne in druge (socialne, čustvene) značilnosti, saj se le-te v procesu poučevanja in učenja odražajo na svojstven način. Posebno motivacijo in izziv nadarjenim učencem pomeni poučevanje in učenje, ki je intelektualno zahtevno, usklajeno z njihovimi interesi in talenti, podprto z rabo informacijske tehnologije in personaliziranimi učnimi zadolžitvami/dejavnostmi, temelječimi na reševanju avtentičnih problemov, odprtih nalogah, višjih miselnih procesih in raziskovanju, ki sovpada z njihovimi interesi. Kljub vsemu pa moramo biti pozorni, da pri tem učencev ne silimo v dejavnosti, ki jim niso blizu ali jih močno dolgočasijo. Pozorni moramo biti tudi na to, da jih pretirano ne obremenimo, ampak jim zagotavljamo optimalno obremenjenost, usklajeno z njihovo motivacijo, zmožnostmi in interesi.

    The basic guideline in planning the teaching and learning of gifted students is their learning and other (social, emotional) characteristics, as they are reflected in the teaching and learning process in a unique way. A special motivation and challenge for gifted students is teaching and learning that is intellectually demanding, in line with their interests and talents, supported by the use of information technology and personalized learning tasks/activities based on solving authentic problems, open tasks, higher thought processes and research, which coincides with their interests. Nevertheless, we must be careful not to force students into activities that are not close to them or that bore them greatly. We must also be careful not to overburden them, but to provide them with an optimal burden, in line with their motivation, abilities and interests.
  • Teacher`s attitudes toward English language teaching in heterogeneous classes
    Presenter(s): Nina Klemen Blatnik
    Mixed-ability classes are a fact of not only language classes but of all courses and have been recognized to be one of the greatest challenges for teachers. The article deals with challenges that Slovenian English leanguage teachers face in primary school when teaching English to young learners in mixed-ability classes and their attitudes towards the topic. It discusses teachers role, problems, benefits and peculiarities of teaching English in heterogeneous classes. The study was conducted on a sample of six English teachers from six different primary schools in Slovenia. Telephone interview has been the method of collecting data. We investigated if teachers see the differences between students, the strategies they used in the classroom, the challenges they faced when using differentiated instructions and if they need extra training in this field. Results of the qualitative analysis have revealed that teachers identify the differences between students and that the differences influence on their teaching. The variety of effective strategies and methods have been defined (group work, participation, cooperation, extra work for talented strudents, and the role of students as teacher`s assistants). Teachers evaluate teaching in heterogeneous classes as difficult and are often overloaded, but they think they have enough knowledge to deal with it successfully. Also some recommendations for further studies and teachers` training have been provided.