Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Izzivi raznolikosti v razredu

Parallel sessions II.

Izzivi raznolikosti v razredu

Thu 19.11.2020 16:15-17:55
Lecture hall: Room H
Chair: Maja Škerjanec
  • Krepitev samozavesti likovno talentirane učenke
    Presenter(s): Jerneja Kocman
    Prispevek govori o Lili, likovno talentirani učenki z odličnim učnim uspehom in odločbo o usmeritvi otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Odločbo je prvotno dobila zaradi zdravstvenih težav (epileptični napadi). Te so kasneje izzvenele, pojavili pa so se problemi na čustvenem in vedenjskem področju. Najbolj izrazite so bile nenehna zaskrbljenost, tesnobnost, pretirana samokritičnost, burni odzivi v konfliktnih situacijah (tako verbalni kot fizični), nihanje razpoloženja, pogosta apatičnost do šolskega dela in okolice. Je pa drugače prijetno, bistro in zanimivo deklico pritegnilo likovno in ustvarjalno področje. Tekom izvajanja ur dodatne strokovne pomoči psihologa, je postal očiten njen likovni talent. Kadar je risala, se je vidno umirila, sprostila, se umaknila v nek drug svet. Vendar pa so izražanje njenega talenta zavirali nizka samozavest, čustvene težave in močna samokritičnost. Učenka je imela težave s priznavanjem svoje nadarjenosti. Večkrat je bila potrta, brezvoljna, delovala je utrujeno in nezainteresirano. Nobena potrditev, noben uspeh ji ni bil dovolj, ves čas je dvomila vase in svoje sposobnosti. Kljub odličnim ocenam, športnim dosežkom in uspehom na tekmovanjih, ni zmogla sprejeti svojega potenciala. Med večletnim delom z učenko pri urah dodatne strokovne pomoči sem ji skušala pomagati pri dvigu samozavesti in uvidu realne situacije, povezane z njenimi sposobnostmi. Članek tako opisuje delo z učenko, spodbujanje in vključevanje v ustvarjalne aktivnosti ter nadaljnje razvijanje talenta v izbranem srednješolskem programu.
  • Diversity enriches us
    Presenter(s): Maja Škerjanec
    The world in black and white would seem quite dreary and monotonous to us, who know it in many colors and shades. The colors make it diverse, enliven it, make it more interesting. It is similar with people. In a way, we are the same, yet so very different. How to teach in a classroom of pupils with special needs, where this diversity consists of special features of pupils, such as autism, disability or lack of language knowledge? In this article, we have presented some ways and possibilities we can use to involve pupils in active participation in different parts of a lesson; in these ways they can - despite their special needs - not only participate, but also progress, learn from each other and grow on a personal level. There is also a part of the winter school in nature presented, where we successfully integrated pupils with special needs with those in the regular school programme. The advantage of our school is that both schools - the primary school with a regular program and the school for children with special needs coexist in the same building; this makes it easier for us to collaborate regularly, and in addition, we are constantly learning from each other. In addition to pupils being able to move from one programme to another, they often participate very well and successfully in a variety of events. The school thus lives as a whole, as we do not separate individual activities into those intended only for students of one or the other school.
  • Disability as one of the special needs
    Presenter(s): Martina Bizjak
    Abstract: The number of students with different special needs ranging in various degrees of difficulty, among which the most frequent include specific learning disabilities, chronic conditions, physical disability, speech impairment and others, is increasing in schools. Disability represents one of the special needs. The state treats disabled people in primary and secondary schools differently. Unfortunately, local communities at the secondary-school level are no longer cooperating. We were faced with a disabled student causing quite a lot of adjustment at school. The school successfully adapted the infrastructure and classes. The teachers were actively included and had a significant role in helping the student with her school work. Despite the fact that in most instances teachers are not sufficiently competent in dealing with disabled students and come into contact with them frequently, they were also successful in adjusting the organisation of classes. Her schoolmates realised what obstacles come with disability familiarising themselves with doubts and prejudices they encounter when meeting a disables person in everyday life. The students learned that patience and help are part and parcel of this process. The successful end of the student’s schooling serves as a marker of everyone’s satisfaction with the approaches to and the outcome of work.
  • Behavioral management in the classroom
    Presenter(s): Janja Javoršek
    In this article, the author presents an example of good practice, how we can influence the appropriate behavior of students through a pre-set structure and clearly defined rules of appropriate behavior. The author introduces students to the concept of ego states, the table of criticism, the table of praise, the system of rewards and the system of action against inappropriate behavior through posters, which they design together on their first hour together and hang on the wall in the classroom. Throughout the school year, they return to these concepts over and over again in various, especially conflict situations in the classroom. It encourages students to find out from which ego state they were reacting at a given moment and from which ego state it might be easier to avoid conflict. When giving criticism and praise during the lessons, they analyze the adequacy of these and their possible improvement for the purpose of more appropriate communication. The well-known way of rewarding by the teacher and the knowledge of the escalation of action against inappropriate behavior motivate students to use more appropriate behavior. Such a designed and clear structure gives students a sense of order and security in the classroom, as they understand what consequences they can expect. At the same time, the likelihood of inappropriate behavior decreases. At the same time, students learn self-regulation of behavior and develop emotional, personal (intrapersonal) and interpersonal (interpersonal) intelligence. All of these, however, are extremely important skills needed to live in the world they are entering.
  • Nadarjen učenec v vlogi učitelja
    Presenter(s): Polonca Fritz Tomšič
    O nadarjenosti govorimo takrat, ko učenec na enem ali več področjih občutno prekaša svoje vrstnike in, ko nadpovprečne rezultate večkrat ponovi. Nadarjenega učenca odlikuje razvito divergentno in logično mišljenje, natančnost opazovanja, dober spomin in smisel za humor. Je radoveden iskalec odgovorov na zastavljena vprašanja, poln idej in nekonformističnih rešitev. Njegova domišljija je nenavadna, besedišče bogato. Ne mara rutine in monotonosti, ceni pa pestrost, nenavadnost in raznolikost.
    Šola predstavlja temelj za razvoj osebnosti vsakega učenca in s tem tudi za odkrivanje in spodbujanje nadarjenih.
    Pripraviti okolje, v katerem bo vsak nadarjen učenec razvil svoj potencial, je velikokrat za učitelja pravi izziv.
    V prispevku predstavljam delavnice medvrstniškega učenja, na temo iz fizike, ki so jih nadarjeni učenci 9. razreda pripravili prvošolcem naše šole. Prvošolci še niso znali brati, niso poznali števk in obožujejo učenje skozi igro.
    Prva delavnica je odgovorila na vprašanje, na katerem od osmih planetov našega Osončja je gravitacija največja. Kako vpliv gravitacije predstaviti prvošolcu? Ni prav lahka naloga.. Pri drugi delavnici so učenci tekmovali z raketami – baloni, privezanimi na vrvico. Tretja delavnica je učence postavila v vlogo gledalcev, pod odrom Astronomije. Ogledali so si vzlet »rakete«, ki je nastala kar iz prižgane čajne vrečke.
    Vsekakor so bili nadarjeni devetošolci postavljeni pred velik izziv, vendar je njihova nadarjenost, skozi vlogo učitelja, dobila novo, dodano vrednost.