Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Spodbujanje nadarjenosti na področju jezika

Parallel sessions II.

Spodbujanje nadarjenosti na področju jezika

Thu 19.11.2020 16:15-17:45
Lecture hall: Room D
Chair: Manja Vršič
  • Načrtovanje in izvajanje aktivnosti po metodi CLIL na predmetni stopnji – prednosti in izzivi
    Presenter(s): Barbara Šešet
    The CLIL method offers many advantages, while planning and employing it in practice presents quite a challenge. Many teachers are of the opinion that a lot of time and energy have to be invested in this kind of teaching and that it’s sometimes hard to imagine how a certain teaching content might be learned across subjects using this method. The article lists steps I use as a teacher of a foreign language in planning CLIL teaching. It is very important to identify language and subject goals, the vocabulary and structures we intend to present and practice, set learning standards, work on the time frame, decide on how to carry out the whole process. After that it is time to prepare good quality materials and finally carry out the activities inside or outside the classroom. After that we must check how good the students' knowledge of the matter is through pre-testing and testing processes. In the end all included must evaluate their work and plan changes for future. With the help of good planning this method we can achieve good learning outcomes in foreign language learning as well as other school subjects learning, and it helps make relationships between students and teachers more democratic.
  • Speaking German easily and fluently
    Presenter(s): Manja Vršič
    Speaking is a necessary competence in learning a foreign language, but it causes a lot of problems for students due to fear, fear of mistakes and introversion. I wanted to encourage students to speak loudly and clearly, practice and collaborate.
    Because students love to play, I tried new methods of working that combine speaking, playing, and moving around the classroom. Since there are many students in the class, I had to consider how to turn the class into a participating team and turn a large number of students into an advantage rather than a disadvantage.
    The results I described below made the students and their teacher very happy and surprised. Collaborative playful learning without assessment raises motivation as the students are more successful and better understand the purpose of learning. Pupils speak a foreign language in a relaxed and fearless way if the acquisition of speaking competence is organized in a playful, relaxed way. In this case, students may not have to deal with their fear and possible mistakes. When playing and moving around the classroom the pupils are relaxed, because their mistakes are tolerated or not corrected. Moving around the classroom during the lessons is also very welcome, which always makes the students happy.
  • Inovativno učenje angleščine: Vloganje
    Presenter(s): Nataša Schell Bratina
    Vlog je video beleženje dogodkov ter zanimivosti, ki je mladim večinoma dobro poznano. Vlogerji so namreč njihovi idoli in imajo po mnenju današnje mladine sanjsko »službo«. Izbirajo različne tematike: od predstavljanja tehničnih izdelkov, avtomobilov, modnih trendov, kuharskih receptov, potovanj, reševanja vsakdanjih problemov… Medtem ko mladi z zanimanjem sledijo različnim vlogerjem z milijoni sledilcev, pa se mi je kot učiteljici TJA utrnila ideja, da bi se učenci kar sami preizkusili v izdelavi vloga, in sicer v angleščini. Kompleksna naloga se je izkazala za zelo uspešno.

    Pouk je temeljil na dejavnostih učencev, jaz pa sem pripravila navodila za delo, organizirala izvajanje nalog, motivirala ter vodila učence skozi aktivnosti. Pri načrtovanju in izdelavi svojih vlogov so imeli glavno vlogo v učnem procesu učenci, pri čemer so bile ponujene številne možnosti diferenciacije in individualizacije pouka. Učenci so aktivno uporabljali različne aplikacije, namenjene snemanju ter montaži video izdelkov.

    Učenci so bili nad projektom navdušeni ter izjemno notranje motivirani. Veliko znanja so pridobili na jezikovnem področju ter tudi na področju digitalne pismenosti, kritičnega mišljenja in reševanja problemov. Zgovorno je tudi mnenje učencev, da bi tovrstne aktivnosti želeli delati pogosteje. Vse to potrjuje, da se mladi radi učijo na inovativen način, delajo s sodobno tehnologijo, s telefoni, računalniki in tablicami. Še posebej pa jih je navdušilo dejstvo, da so se lahko sami preizkusili v vlogi sodobnih junakov, vlogerjev.