Timetable > 19.11.2020 > Spodbudno učno okolje za nadarjene otroke in učence II.

Parallel sessions I.

Spodbudno učno okolje za nadarjene otroke in učence II.

Thu 19.11.2020 12:00-14:00
Lecture hall: Room E
Chair: Lenna Korenjak
  • Mi zmoremo
    Presenter(s): Ana Štor
    Vsak učenec je individuum, ki si velikokrat ne upa stopiti pred množico ljudi in nastopiti z določeno točko, čeprav lahko skriva mnoge talente. Če omogočimo posamezniku, da se združi z drugimi otroki, potem lahko njihove glasbene in igralske sposobnosti vodijo do nepozabne zgodbe. Tako se je zgodilo tretješolcem, ki so združili moči in uspešno izvedli štiri nastope. Preizkusili so se v igri vlog, igranju različnih inštrumentov, plesu in petju. Nekateri izmed njih so se prvič soočili z zahtevnejšo nalogo, ampak je vsem uspelo, saj smo ugotovili, da skrivajo glasbene in igralske talente, ki komaj čakajo, da jih opazijo tudi drugi. Zakaj tudi vi, dragi učitelji, ne bi pogledali izza okvirja in spodbudili mlade k razvijanju talentov, ki jih skrivajo v sebi? Verjemite, da je vredno! S pomočjo izvedbe nastopov smo spoznali, da je v vseh učencih vsaj nekaj glasbenega in igralskega potenciala, ki lahko s skupnimi močmi vodi do pravega nastopa. Ugotovili smo, da so se učenci z vsakim nastopom bolj utrdili, premagali tremo in že komaj čakali na naslednje izzive. Z izvedbo kratke ankete smo prišli do spoznanja, da so se vsi učenci po nastopih počutili odlično, super, srečno in veselo. Sami so ugotovili, da čeprav je bilo težko, so uspeli in naredili korak naprej.
  • Čast, dostojanstvo in žrtveništvo med osnovnošolci / Honour, Dignity and Victimhood Among Pupils
    Presenter(s): Gregor Rojc
    Ameriška moralna sociologa Campbell in Manning sta moralne kulture razdelila v tri kategorije: kulturo časti, kulturo dostojanstva in kulturo žrtveništva. Kulturo časti smo na Zahodu preživeli, na temeljih kulture dostojanstva smo zgradili sodobno in svobodno zahodno civilizacijo, kultura žrtveništva pa to, kar smo izgradili ogroža. Zametke kulture žrtveništva se tu in tam lahko zasledi tudi med osnovnošolci, zato je najbrž čas, da šola začne poudarjati in udejanjati vzgojno komponento. Eden izmed namenov šole je tudi to, da se otroka pripravi na življenje. Šola ima specifično vlogo v družbi in je zato eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov pri oblikovanju značaja otrok.

    Ključne besede:
    čast, dostojanstvo, žrtveništvo, kultura, šola, vzgoja

    American moral sociologists Campbell and Manning put moral cultures into three categories: honour culture, dignity culture and victimhood culture. In the west, we have already moved past the honour culture and the modern, free society was built on the basis of dignity culture. However, all that is now endangered by the emergence of victimhood culture. Signs of victimhood culture can occasionally be noticed among the pupils, so it is probably time for the school to put more emphasis the upbringing (educational) component. One of the school’s goals is to prepare the pupil for life. The school occupies a specific role in society and is thus one of the most important factors in the development of a child’s character.

    Key words:
    Honour, dignity, victimhood, culture, school, upbringing / education
  • The media education project
    Presenter(s): Simona Dekalan
    My contribution is about the presentation of our country Slovenia to the whole world with a group of talented school children in cooperation with the International Foundation Prix Jeunesse from Munich. The media education project was called Children of the World.
    Through this project, we presented different ways of living of children from different countries around the world, through the website www.childrenoftheworld.de, to the children and teachers all around the world. Our country and our school were presented by pupils visually in the form of photographs that we took at school and at children`s homes, the drawings that were created in the class, and the videos we recorded in our class.
    The pupils presented themselves with their names, which class they visited, which country they come from, how they spend their free time in their everyday lives, how their school looks like, and what is their favourite food.
    With the help of video clips, we presented their favourite game Selling Crayons and favourite song A Mouse Came from a Mousehole.
    Since the project encountered a great response and great popularity among children, a few other pupils joined a group of talented pupils on their own initiative and were happy to be able to participate in this project.
  • Class meetings – games and activities to promote connecting and accepting differences among pupils
    Presenter(s): Lenna Korenjak
    The article is about various activities and methods that have proven effective and useful during my lessons. We are all dealing with discipline issues, conflicts among pupils and so on. Therefore I have decided to introduce and present a few of them and hopefully these ideas might come in handy to someone else . All of the activities, such as the game of silence according to the Montessori pedagogics, which can give children a precious gift that could last a lifetime: the ability to cultivate and appreciate silence, can be used in more than just one way.
    "When the children have become acquainted with silence...(they) go on to perfect themselves; they walk lightly, take care not to knock against the furniture, move their chairs without noise, and place things upon the table with great care.... These children are serving their spirits."
    —Maria Montessori, Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook
    Another useful method are social games, we can use them to improve friendly relations among pupils. Tibi cards which can be used in various ways are also a helpful didactic aid. However, I feel it is important to emphasise that all of these activities take some time. In the long run they have a positive effect on the pupils and help creating a positive classroom atmosphere as well.