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Presenter(s): Marija Marenk
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

In this paper I would like to introduce you to the area of emotions that I have encountered to a great extent in the study and work of family system therapy, the knowledge that I transfer to everyday life, both at work and at home. Emotions play an important role in our lives and life we think about them on a daily basis. We often unconsciously form a series of subjective explanations and conceptions of emotional processes. Although these interpretations are often wrong, we are always ready to look for new justifications to confirm our beliefs. Emotions are linked to the reputation of being childish, irrational, destructive, and tied primarily to the physical realm. On the other hand, more and more experts from various scientific disciplines are paying a lot of attention to the research of emotions, but there are not many real theories of emotions.
The theme of emotions has touched me deeply through my own experience. Despite the belief that "everything is completely clear" to me in the field of emotions, I once again turned my attention to recognizing, perceiving and expressing emotions. The mistaken belief that over the years you are getting wiser and more rational and less emotional has led me to be surprised that this is not really the case. In all the transitions of the family life cycle, emotions intensify, which I have known theoretically for a long time. I have found that this is exactly what is happening to me in this intense period of beautiful and challenging changes of my own family.
Almost in parallel, in my work, I became even more aware of the emotions that children, parents a as well as teachers bring with them to our meetings. I also occasionally started using photography as a very useful tool with various family therapy techniques (circular questions, framing, externalization ,…). This, in turn, opened up the possibility of changes in the system much more than before. The photos stimulated memories, brought emotions, but also offered enough distance so that the painful and difficult topics could open up in the system.