A positive learning climate and a stimulating learning environment

Presenter(s): Petra Krmelj
Author(s): Petra Krmelj
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Good mutual relationships have a very important impact on the quality of the learning environment. School is not only a place where the learning process takes place, it is also a rich social environment. There is a continuous interaction between the participants – teachers, pupils and parents. A key role is played by the teacher, who encourages pupils and develops their potentials. Teachers should love their pupils and trust them. Between the teacher and the pupils, invisible threads are woven to help pupils find a place for success and well-being. The article tries to link positive climate in the class and good mutual relationships with effective learning. Appropriate relationships and a stimulating environment for pupils are namely important for school success. Through movement, learning through play, relaxation techniques and social games that I have carried out in my classroom, I found out that well-being of pupils, and the sense of security, acceptance and belonging to a group are the key to success. Only relaxed children are ready to learn and develop their strong areas. I suppose that a genuine, open, honest and consistent teacher, who supports pupils and trusts them, is the one that will make them succeed and grow into responsible and mature adults.