Aleksandar Stojanović

Preschool Teacher Training College, Vršac

Vršac, Serbia

Website: Preschool Teacher Training College, Vršac


Aleksandar Stojanovic was born in 1970. He obtained a PhD degree in pedagogical sciences from Philosophical Faculty, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. He works at the Teacher Training Faculty in Belgrade and the Preschool Teacher Training College “Mihailo Palov” in Vrsac. He became a Part time professor of Didactics in 2013 in Belgrade. He is teaching Didactics, Pedagogic Research Methodology, Preschool Pedagogy, and Preschool Didactics.

Since 1996 he has published 75 professional and scientific papers in journals and conference proceedings and is the author of 3 monographs, as well as co-author of 20 books and manuals. Until now, he was engaged in 17 projects as a manager or a team member: „Project for an early identification of gifted pupils“ (the authors of the project were from research center „Huerta del Rey“, Spain, 1999); „Pedagogical pluralism as the basis of education strategies" (Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia 2011-2017); „The role of teaching practice in the professionalization of teachers“, 2012-2013; »Educational styles of parents and intercultural differences of students from Romania and Serbia«, 2012; "Raising the quality of teaching and learning strategies of gifted students ", 2013-2014; Tempus project „Harmonization of Preschool Teacher Education Curricula in Serbia“ 2013 – 2016; Smart Children Network – SMART (implementation MENSA NTC system), 2016; Project RECI (An EU founded project: Pre and elementary schooling of Roma: fostering opportunities for greater attainment and early school leaving reduction), 2015-2017, etc.

Aleksandar Stojanovic led the training of professional training of teachers on the topic: "Didactic instruction to encourage creative learning process in the classroom"; "Mentoring as the most effective method for encouraging talent" and "Evaluation of the function of the autonomy of students."

He is a manager of the publishing activity of the Preschool Teacher Training College in Vrsac. Since 2009 he has bee a member of the Education Council of the Province of Vojvodina. He is member of the Editorial Board of the journal „Andragoška spoznanja“, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2016-2017. 

His fields of interest and research are didactics, giftedness, research methodology preschool education, moral education, upbringing and educational methods.