Identifying Accommodations for IEP's of Twice Exceptional Students

Presenter(s): Melissa Malen

Twice exceptional students who are gifted and experience a challenge in learning demonstrate higher achievement when they receive personally relevant learning accommodations that are included in an Individual Education Plan. Please join us at this workshop to learn about twice exceptional student behavior in school and how learning challenges affect student performance. Learning and psychological disabilities will be defined that include ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, nonverbal learning disorder, autism spectrum disorder, executive function disorder, reading and written expression disability, anxiety and depression. We will discuss executive function challenges that many twice exceptional students experience and how these challenges affect achievement in school. Accommodations that support student access to learning and provide bridges that increase student opportunities to demonstrate learning will be discussed. Typical broad-brush accommodations such as having extra test time and access to a note taker will be discussed; additionally accommodations targeted at supporting specific executive function challenges will be described.
Tactics for supporting students will be shared that include strategies to support organization, planning, time management, prioritizing, and persisting to complete work. Tactics for accommodating student organization using assisstive technology will be shared as well as approaches for coaching students to practice self -advocacy. Discussion will also occur on the topic of how parents can cultivate a collaborative working relationship with teachers to help facilitate implementation of IEP accommodations