The influence of the environment in developing the ability of gifted children

Presenter(s): HEIDI JAKOPIČ
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Early childhood is of the utmost importance to all people who grow up in a certain culture. Before this period ends, a child forms the concept of himself as a social being (1), as a thinking being (2), as a speaking being (3), as someone, who will make important decisions about his own abilities (4) and about his self-worth (5).

Environmental factors that influence the development of talent are:
- the socio-economic status of the family,
- the personality of the parents,
- education of the parents,
- encouraging the child's interests in childhood,
- the status of the family,
- formal education and school,
- the availability of models,
- physical health,
- the spirit of the time,
- factors of opportunity (e.g. living close to a museum, financial capabilities, death, separation, etc.).

Slovenian experts also believe that the so-called dynamic theory of giftedness is interpreted as the interaction between heredity, education and the environment, in which personal activity plays the main role.

In the article, we would like to highlight various pedagogical concepts that include and emphasize the impact of the immediate and wider environment on the development of a child’s talent. At the same time, we would like to show how the influence of the environment on the development of children's potentials is reflected in real life. We would like to show where are the possible traps that can be encountered by both professional workers and children as well as the positive effects of involving external associates or foreign environment.