How did the Egyptians build the pyramids?

Presenter(s): Brigita Blazevic
Author(s): Brigita Blaževič

I introduce the idea to children about the exploration of ancient Egypt, mummies and pyramids. Then the children learnt about the culture and way of life in Egypt. The children were shown children's games in ancient Egypt, what food they prepared then, about customs and common objects for that time. I have also described how mummification was explored with children. I have described how the children themselves made a plan for making a pyramid. A tomb was created under our stairs in the classroom and children utilised it to play in. We built a sarcophagus that we placed in our pyramid.The children then learnt about hierogliphs and were asked to write their own names using those symbols. The children learnt how difficult the work was to carve the images into the stone, which we also tested for ourselves. Then I described how the children explored the life of various Pharaohs, especially we were interested in life and death of the most famous Pharaoh-Tutankhamun. Then I describe how we utilised documentaries about ancient Egypt to answer the most burning question - how did the Egyptians build the pyramids? I describe in detail how we started tests with water and wood. In Egypt, the Nile flodded, which Egyptians used for various purposes. Why not also to build a pyramid? In the conclusion, I then describe what findings children ascertained and how they can be used in everyday life.