Talent for school or for life

Presenter(s): Tanja Novak
Author(s): Tanja Novak, univ.dipl.psih., HR specialistka
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Today, companies are faced with a wide range of challenges - how to stay on the market and survive, preserve competitiveness, develop their own products and knowledge, and retain all this in the company. A great deal of this kind of challenges is also the concern of how to attract and attract competitive, well-educated staff, and how to retain them after the introductory months in the company, and develop them further into experts in their field. It used to be that talents are looking for jobs, and today it is opposite- companies spend more time and energy on how to find and then retain professional staff. The question arises as to when to start looking for and developing talents and, above all, what talents, but if today we know that around 27% of the professions that exist today will disappear in the near future, because they will be replaced by robotization and automation. At the same time, 65% of today's children will occupy professions in the future, which do not even exist today.
Being talented in kindergarten, school and high school, as they say proudly parents for their children, it means being talented in the labor market? And is it equally gifted according to the criteria of the parents and the criteria of the profession? When does it actually begin to recognize talents, how to develop them, which areas and how long will independent experts be in their field?
In terms of development, childhood is a period when a child develops rapidly in several areas of development: physical, cognitive psychosocial development. Also, different children come from different backgrounds, which also influence their further development and progress. It is important to help a child develop a secure sense of attachment and a sense of success during his childhood, which will represent him a protective backbone later in life when faced with failures and falls.
In the selection procedures, we see that people evaluate personal characteristics as positive and negative, but this is not correct. The same personal characteristic can be highly desirable and necessary for a particular job, while the same personal characteristic for another job will be hindered as an advantage.
It is important that both parents and teachers are aware that we can never recognize all talents and develop them with the child. We see every child in a different environment, where he functions in his own way, where he also shows different interests. Being talented in the school system does not guarantee the success of the labor market and in life.

Only talent is not enough, it is just an undeveloped potential. We also need a working condition for work. As a young employee, we have talent and enthusiasm; as older workers, talent, experience and wisdom. However, over the years, the working condition may decline, and at the same time our talent, although we have developed it, no longer has its added value and importance.