Moshe Zeidner

University of Haifa and Tel-Hai Academic College

Haifa, Israel


Moshe Zeidner is Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology and Human Development at the University of Haifa, Israel and Professor of Psychology at Tel-Hai Academic College in Israel. His Alma Mater is the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and he conducted his post-doctoral research at Stanford University in Psychological Studies in Education with Bob Calfee. His main fields of interest are in the area of psychological assessment and measurement, human emotions, personality and individual differences, the stress, anxiety, and coping process, and positive psychology. He has published over 200 papers and authored or co-authored 10 books. He has served on the Consulting Editorial Board of several APA journals (Journal of Educational Psychology, Emotion) and is currently on the board of PAID, Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Anxiety Stress and Coping, European Journal of Psychological Assessment, and Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. He held temporary visiting academic positions in both the U.S. (Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, UC-San Diego) and in Europe (Oxford, Leiden, Regensburg, Charles). He received the 'Lifetime achievement award' for outstanding contribution to stress and anxiety research at the meeting of the Society for Stress and Anxiety Research in July, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal. His co-authored book on What We Know About Emotional Intelligence (with Gerry Matthews and Rick Roberts) received the PROSE award for 2009. He is married to his sweetheart Eti for 46 years and has two lovely boys and five charming grandchildren. In his spare time, he enjoys swimming, listening to classical rock, and reading thrillers and books on humor.