Taisir Subhi Yamin
General Director
The International Centre for Innovation in Education
Ulm, Germany
Website: The International Centre for Innovation in Education
Taisir Subhi Yamin is a professor of gifted education. He has a B.Sc. in Physics, an M.A. in Special Education, and a Ph.D. in Gifted Education and Computer Assisted Learning from Lancaster University in England. He is the recipient of academic prizes and fellowships from England, and the U.S.A. including a Fulbright Award (1996), Leadership in Gifted Education from the WCGTC (2013), and the British Council scholarship.
Prof. Yamin is active in the field of science popularization, creativity, innovation, gifted education, and has written 35 books, a large number of articles, chapters in edited books, and a large number of research papers. In addition, he has developed a number of training packages to develop productive thinking skills (Creative thinking, critical thinking, creative problem solving, future problem solving, communication, collaboration). He is an active member of an impressive list of academic institutions, including: the British Educational Research Association (BERA), the European Council for High Ability (ECHA), Bahrain Association for the Gifted and Talented; Former President, Jordanian Association of Physicists, the National Committee for Gifted Education. He is also the National Chancellor and Vice President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP); Vice President, the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL).
He was a delegate of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) for about ten years. In 2002 he was elected as a member of the executive committee of the WCGTC. Professor Yamin was involved in developing UAE project for the gifted and talented in Ulm University. In addition, he has established, in cooperation with Todd Lubart and Sandra Linke, The International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE). The ICIE has seven branches in: France, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Canada, Kenya, and Jordan. In 2005 he was named editor-in-chief of Gifted and Talented International. In March 2009, he was elected as the President of the WCGTC for four years. More recently, he is the General Director of ICIE in Germany, and research fellow at Université Paris Descartes. In the year 2013, he founded, in cooperation with Ken McCluskey the International Journal for Creativity and Talent Development (IJTDC). This ICIE publishes the IJTDC in partnership with a number of American and European universities. In 2018, he joined the Faculty of Education-University of Winnipeg, Canada as a visiting professor. He is responsible for international projects.
- Contributions at Talent Education 2017
Paradigm Shifts in: Excellence, Innovation, Creativity, Gifted EducationPaper
Paradigm Shift is an important radical, significant change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. This keynote will address a number of paradigm shifts relating to: Conceptions; definitions; processes; interventions; programmes; practices; school management; and …
- Contributions on other events
Gifted Education is a Must: Teaching for Productive ThinkingPaperTalent Education 2020This keynote sheds light on the importance of gifted education in the 21st century. In addition, it provides an overview of a new approach; and offers a scientific model for skillful teaching. It is an attempt to answer a number of questions, including: What is productive thinking? How to employ … More
Productive Thinking for Skillful TeachingWorkshopTalent Education 2020This workshop provides an overview of skilful teaching and how to employ it effectively in the classroom settings. It was designed for: Heads of schools, elementary and post-secondary teachers, guidance counselors, interested undergraduate and graduate students (prospective teachers), teacher training personnel, and gifted programmes coordinators. Attending this workshop will: Increase … More
Developmental Assets - Gifted Students & Gifted WorkersPaperTalent Education 2019This keynote concerns itself with the latest developments in gifted education. In addition, it will address the developmental assets (e.g., it means what gifted people need to thrive; to avoid unhealthy risks; and, to live in responsible and respectful ways). In addition, this keynote will address the gifted workers and … More