Working with athletically gifted students in physical education classes

Presenter(s): POLONA RAJHER
Presentation will be in Slovene language.

Working with athletically gifted students in physical education classes
On one hand we have more and more students with special needs (learning disabilities), we also have gifted students, to which we do not pay enough attention. In PE lessons, it is important to recognize them in a timely manner, which I do not find so difficult, because we can help ourselves with the analysis of the sports and educational card. Some children simply stand out after doing the more demanding motoric assignments or by their knowledge of sports skills. It is important that we pay enough attention to them in the lesson, because their workout with their peers often »bores« them. Physically talented students usually perform in various sports disciplines, which sometimes turns out to be a disadvantage as they have well developed only certain motor skills, whereas the others are rather neglected. Here I blame the unreasonable trainings in various clubs. I believe that in regular classes, physically talented children can also be educated about the importance of comprehensive motoric development in their youth, as this allows for better specialization and prevents injuries in their future careers. In the article I will present some practical examples that we can include in regular sports lessons.